Commodore user support for CMD's Super CPU accelerator cartridges. This list is dedicated to supporting owners and potential owners of Creative Micro Designs Super CPU accelerator cartridges for the Commodore 64 and Commodore 128. The Super CPU cartridges are built around a 20MHZ 65C816 processor and were introduced in mid 1996. These are the first major accelerator cartridges to be produced and distributed in quantity for the Commodore 64 and 128. The majority of Commodore users and programmers are new to this processor. With the availability of up to 16meg of ram on board the cartridge the SCPU represents a quantum leap for Commodore productivity and raw speed. This list will help users get the most out of their accelerator and serve as a clearinghouse for information on the cartridges. More information is available from the list owner. You can subscribe by sending a mail to with the following content: SUBSCRIBE SUPER-CPU Name Surname