Demos from the group: V-LUCID Hi People...this is ya have some of my old Demos for my old group V-Lucid...I know these Demos are shit, but...well those of You, who know me, have already heard my exculpations: I am only a graphician and I was never a skilled coder. Anyway I did those demos, consisting of old (and partly ripped) junkroutines, just to be at least a bit creative and to present some of Ray's Musics. But whot da hell...shit or not, these Demos are COLLECTORS-PIECES, and I guess You are a zealous Collector, otherwise You wouldn't sneak through such an Internet chapter....:-) Ok...enuff of that some infos to the single-files, that should make it easier for you to reconstruct the filenames...: 50 "Big in Japan/V-L" prg Made in June 1989 51 "The Jet Set /V-L" prg August 1989 93 "The Yawn/V-Lucid" prg September 1990 62 "Unity /V-Lucid" prg October 1990 135 "Beat-Les / V-L" prg March 1991 83 "No Target / V-L" prg July 1991 126 "Pandora / V-L" prg December 1991 124 "Mor-Phun / V-L" prg September 1994 (Musicstation 1-5 - March 1990; Musicstation 6-10 - September 1990; Musicstation 11-17 - Made somewhen 1991) Ok...I wish you much with this bunch of bytes, that contains some of my spirit, brain and even some of my tears.... Signed in April 1997 a melancholical Zeldin / Cascade! Zeldin says: KEEP DA SPIRIT ALIVE!!!