Electronic Music System V7.03 - by Cosine Systems Released 18th January 1997. Downloaded from the Cosine Web site http://www.cosine.demon.co.uk E.M.S. V7.03 is a music editor for the C64. and to date one of *the* most powerful players and editors available. The earlier version of E.M.S. was used to produce the music to Ninja Rabbits, Turbocharge and Turn and Burn, amongst others. * Anything up to quad speed playback. * Full multi-channel (without the use of timeshare). * Independant tempo for all three channels. * The ability to mimic the sound output of just about *any* other player. * Powerful tune optimizer with the ability to relocate the final tune. * PAL/NTSC compatible (NTSC editing and playback at 60Hz). This product is released as cardware, if you use this program please show your appreciation to Odie of Cosine by email to: seanc@draught.demon.co.uk or tmr@cosine.demon.co.uk And please, if you do any music, we'd like to hear it, so UUencode up your music and send it to the above address. If you onlu have MIME send to: odie@cosine.demon.co.uk and the file will be re-encoded and passed on. The Electronic Music System is © 1997 Cosine Systems. Permission is granted to distribute this program through any means as long as the original archive remains intact and no money is made for it other than a reasonable public domain distribution fee.